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The mighty Land Raider is without doubt the most powerful battle tank ever built. When the Chaos Legions fled into the Eye of Terror they took with them hundreds of these precious machines. Now, whenever the Legions issue forth another Black Crusade these same Land Raiders are ever in the...
14,140 руб
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The Predators of the Chaos Legions are a legacy of pre-Heresy times. But now daemonic maws adorn every gun barrel and dark icons cover every surface. The Chaos Predator comes complete with all the weapon options the Predator can take, including lascannon and lascannon side sponsons.  This...
11,700 руб
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The Vindicator is another Space Marine vehicle based upon the Rhino Standard Template Construct date. The Vindicator sacrifices its transport capacity in order to mount reinforced armour, additional internal bracing and ammunition storage. This is needed for the massive Demolisher cannon mounted...
11,700 руб
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Sorcerer Lord in Terminator Armour / Chaos Space Marines Terminator Lord Chaos Lords are the most powerful of the Chaos Space Marines. With the genetic advantages of a Space Marine and the blessings of the Dark Gods there are few more dangerous entities in the galaxy. This Lord is clad...
3,750 руб
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Фильтры товаров
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  • 1950руб
  • 27000руб