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Бледные Жнецы; Косы Нургла; Глаза Мортариона. Элитные воины Покрова Смерти носят множество имён, и каждое из них источает миазмы страха и угрозы. Наполненные...
7,690 руб
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Ангел Смерти и Разложения Вот уже десять тысяч лет Мортарион – повелитель Гвардии Смерти, сокрушает своих врагов на полях сражений. Окруженный гудящими облаками из плотоядных демонических мух и хохочущих нургликов, Мортарион летит в гущу битвы на перепончатых крыльях. Каждый...
20,250 руб
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Scarab Occult Terminators were once the finest psykers in the Thousand Sons Legion, bodyguards to Magnus the Red himself. Reduced to dust along with their brethren, they now possess only an echo of their previous intellect. They stride into battle at the behest of their sorcerous masters,...
7,690 руб
В наличии
Stepping out from the fog of war come the Rubricae. Many of these undying warriors were psykers in their own right, before an ancient curse damned them to an eternity as living husks – their baroque power armour now contains nothing but sparkling dust. In battle, a malevolent witch-light...
7,690 руб
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The air screams as Magnus the Red descends from the skies, and stone runs molten beneath his shadow. Cyclopean son of the Emperor of Mankind, his very presence is anathema to logic. To look upon him is to surrender sanity, and when the Crimson King gazes back, destruction is loosed in...
20,250 руб
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Kill! Maim! Burn! This is Kh?rn the Betrayer’s mantra, and it has become infamous across the Imperium as a harbinger of carnage to follow. Kh?rn embodies the eightfold path of Khorne; friend and foe alike are left broken, twitching and torn apart in his wake. As he sprints into battle, his...
5,100 руб
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Warlords of incredible power and menace in their own right, the Varanguard have grown into creatures of immense cruelty over many lifetimes of merciless slaughter and conquest. Each individual Varanguard has led countless campaigns across numberless centuries, having risen through the ranks...
12,750 руб
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Reliable, resilient and easily repaired, the Rhino APC has been the mainstay transport of the Adeptus Astartes since time immemorial. The Rhinos maintained by the Chaos Space Marines are grotesque shadows of these loyal troop carriers, daubed with terrifying symbols, smeared with the blood of...
6,750 руб
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Each Helbrute holds a living creature within its plated metal chest - a Chaos Space Marine driven over the edge of madness. Interment in these twisted Dreadnought mockeries is no honour - it is a torturous living death - So it’s no surprise that most Helbrutes are completely psychotic. This...
9,990 руб
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This box is the most cost effective way to buy three multi-part plastic Chaos Space Marine Bikes. The bikes can be armed with twin-linked bolters, whilst there are bolt pistols for the Bikers, and a Chaos Space Marine Transfer Sheet.
5,550 руб
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Dedicated to Slaanesh, a Noise Marine's hearing is a thousand times keener than a normal person's and can distinguish the subtlest pitch in tone and volume. Many specialise in the use of a variety of outlandish sound-based weapons. This 10-piece pack contains an array of items including...
2,580 руб
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Dedicated to Slaanesh, a Noise Marine's hearing is a thousand times keener than a normal person's and can distinguish the subtlest pitch in tone and volume. Many specialise in the use of a variety of outlandish sound-based weapons. This 12-piece resin pack contains sonic blasters, arms and...
2,580 руб
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Heldrakes are winged Daemon Engines that plummet out of the skies like living comets, hurtling towards enemy aircraft and crashing claws-first into them from above. A Heldrake takes cruel joy in diving down upon the unsuspecting air support of the enemy in order to shred them to pieces with its...
10,130 руб
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When a pack of Warp Talons emerges from the Warp, it appears to those on the battlefield below as if daemonic warriors have burst out from nothingness into fiery, vengeful life. The Warp Talons feature vicious-looking lightning claws and horned helmets, as well as barbarous wings on their jump...
5,250 руб
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The Forgefiend Daemon Engine was originally devised to sow death amongst enemy forces from afar. Maulerfiends, on the other hand, thunder towards the foe like giant attack beasts loosed from the leash. Their eyes glow with balefire as ecoplasmic drool drizzles from their fanged maws.
10,130 руб
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The Defiler was fashioned at the command of Abaddon the Despoiler. It is a six-legged machine with savage hooks and barbs along its limbs. The Defiler lays waste to the ground it moves over and batters down the strongest defences with its mighty battle cannon. This super boxed set...
13,160 руб
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