The Old World

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Uast tribes of Orcs, Goblins, and Trolls dwell far from the palaces, cities, and castles of the Empire and Bretonnia. Should these warlords ever stop fighting themselves and unite into a cohesive force, they would sweep away all opposition in a brutal tide of violence. This supplement takes a...
3,230 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 10.08.2024

Orc & Goblin Tribes gather in massive numbers before they rush to war in noisy blocks on the battlefield, all clattering shields and rusted metal, their voices raised in a great Waaagh!. When organised into a coherent army, there is little they cannot sweep away through sheer brutality and low...
21,750 руб

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Orc & Goblin Tribes attack as a manic tide of destructive enthusiasm. With little heed for their own safety, they throw themselves upon the enemy using unsubtle, but nevertheless effective tactics of choppin' and smashin' their foes. This set includes 20 Orc & Goblin Tribes themed dice. They...
5,250 руб
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Orc Boyz form into rag-tag regiments that enthusiastically surge towards the enemy. These mobs fight with crude hand weapons and hefty shields, stabbing and battering their way through their foes. This multipart plastic kit builds 31 Orc Boyz, who are just itching to get stuck into melee for...
10,130 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 10.08.2024

Orc Bosses are the biggest and brawniest of their kind, leading their tribes to battle, having bashed their way to a position of authority. Orc Bosses are mighty leaders for Orc & Goblin Tribes. In this kit, you will find components to build two of these intimidating characters – one on foot...
5,250 руб

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White Dwarf  is the official Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can look forward to in the March issue: Contact!  – Letters, questions, and pictures...
1,350 руб
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Knights of the Realm make up the bulk of Bretonnia’s nobility and its armed might, and command great respect for both their high station and the deeds they performed to attain it. Knights Errant, however, are the youthful sons and daughters of Bretonnian nobles, bold young warriors who seek any...
8,250 руб

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Knights on Foot consist of minor nobles belonging to the extended family of a baron or duke. These warriors proudly display the colours and motifs of their lord’s heraldry, often further embellished with personal devices, identifying them as belonging to a single, extended family whilst...
10,130 руб

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Skeleton Chariots are the pride of the Tomb Kings, gilded and lethal machines crewed even in death by Nehekhara's finest warriors. Often fielded en masse, their rattling advance is heralded by clouds of dust, thrown high into the air as they thunder across the sands. Crashing into the enemy with...
10,130 руб

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Skeleton Horsemen and Horse Archers are the tireless, clattering cavalry of Nehekhara's eternal legions, raised in terrifying numbers from the tomb pits of lost ages. Their deathless steeds gallop around the enemy flanks without need for rest, as the skeletal riders lower heavy spears or loose...
8,250 руб

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Skeleton Warriors and Archers make up the bulk of the mighty undead armies commanded by the Tomb Kings of Khemri. Rank after rank, regiment after regiment, these unflinching horrors are called forth from sand-swallowed burial sites by the incantations of the Liche Priests. Armed as they were in...
10,130 руб

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Tomb Kings are the ancient, long-dead rulers of Nehekhara, reborn through the archaic rituals of their Liche Priests. Only the most prestigious rulers can harness the undying will of a fearsome Necrolith Bone Dragon, much less ride such a behemoth into battle. These reanimated wyrms descend upon...
12,380 руб

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Heared by all in both life and death, Settra the Imperishable is the lord of Khemri, a ruthless tyrant whose appetite for conquest cannot be satisfied, no matter how many lands he invades or people he subjugates. Settra now busies himself with reconquering the lands that were once his – lands...
8,780 руб

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Handmaidens of the Lady are gifted Bretonnian individuals who have honed and tempered their innate abilities, growing into powerful Wizards. Both Damsels and the stronger Prophetesses of the Lady ride into battle, using their powers to lend protection to the knights, warding away foul enemy...
5,850 руб
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The tombs and pyramids of the necropolises are infested with the dried husks of scorpions, scarabs and countless other poisonous creatures of the desert. Though long dead, the mere presence of the Liche Priests and Tomb Kings fills their empty shells with animation, and they scuttle from their...
8,780 руб
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Wandering Questing Knights join the warring armies of Bretonnia, where the influential titles of their previous life grant them natural command over ordinary soldiers. These nobles have relinquished their worldly possessions to take up the Grail quest, setting aside their lance and vows until it...
5,660 руб
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Battle Standard Bearer carries their lord’s pennant to war, where the sight of it fluttering in the breeze fills each warrior's heart with passion and pride. Each noble lord has their own distinct heraldry, and it is a great honour to be chosen to carry it into battle. This multipart resin kit...
12,870 руб
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Liche Priests are the undying members of Nehekhara’s Mortuary Cult and holders of the secrets to unlife. They perform the rituals needed to draw forth spirits from the Realm of Souls and bind them once more into corporeal bodies. The Liche Priests rouse the Tomb Kings and their courts from their...
2,340 руб
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Ushabti stand as guardian statues around the perimeters of the necropolises and within the passageways of the great pyramids of the Tomb Kings. In times of need, the Liche Priests awaken the Ushabti with powerful incantations, and with the sound of cracking stone, they step down from their...
13,160 руб
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Ushabti stand as guardian statues around the perimeters of the necropolises and within the passageways of the great pyramids of the Tomb Kings. In times of need, the Liche Priests awaken the Ushabti with powerful incantations, and with the sound of cracking stone, they step down from their...
13,160 руб
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