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Mainstays of most Space Marine Legion armouries, Land Speeders are high-speed reconnaissance and rapid attack skimmers that utilise anti-gravity technology to achieve extraordinary battlefield mobility and speed. As lightly armoured two-man craft, they require the kind of skill and reflexes to...
15,600 руб
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Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. These lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds, with the direct control of entire war fleets and armies in...
6,440 руб
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FW_ 99550102294_mail
Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. These lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds, with the direct control of entire war fleets and armies in...
5,460 руб
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6,050 руб
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FW_ 99550599019_mail
4,490 руб
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FW_ 99550999019_mail
5,660 руб
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50,700 руб
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50,700 руб
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Armed with formidable heavy weapons, the Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct can unleash energies capable of disintegrating both organic and machine matter. Those rare few among the Imperium who have survived an encounter with a Seraptek have testified to its unnatural speed and agility, and the...
47,780 руб
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A pair of weapon options for the Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct (available separately), comprising two singularity generators. These heavy weapons create miniature quantum singularities, drawing in nearby matter before collapsing in a catastrophic implosion that damages anything nearby....
10,530 руб
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A set of weapon options for the Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct (available separately), comprising two synaptic obliterators and two transdimensional projectors. The synaptic obliterators are a particularly fearsome Necron weapon which, upon being trained upon an enemy, unleash a...
10,530 руб
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FW_ 99551462004_mail
Under the command of Gothmog, Guritz is given the task of organising the reserve forces at the battle of Pelennor Fields, directing Sauron’s forces to where they were needed most to crush the armies of Gondor. A calculating Orc, Guritz has had plenty of experience in war, having fought in...
4,050 руб
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Many Dark Elves aspire to be Witch Elves or Assassins so they can turn torture and murder into a lucrative profession. Then there are those who are truly cruel and pitiless, these join the Naggaroth Nightmares cheer squad the Night Terrors! If the unpleasant antics of the Naggaroth Nightmares...
4,350 руб
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Kria Kytoro died with a sneer on her lips and her blade buried in her rival’s throat. Single-minded in her pursuit of her enemies, Kria earned the moniker of ‘Huntress’ because none prey-marked by her crew, the Bittersweet Blades, ever escaped for long. When Kria tangled with Gorgon, boss of the...
4,680 руб
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The name Josef Bugman is as synonymous with Blood Bowl as Goblins are with being cheating gits. Pitches bear the Bugman’s B, while the bearded face of the master brewer grins down on players from massive billboards. When Bugman turns up at a match in person it is a spectacle to behold. Bugman...
5,660 руб
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House Van Saar is the technological powerhouse of Necromunda, its artisans and armourers creating the finest weapons and wargear of all the clans. Their staggering power, however, is built around a dark secret – flaws in their understanding of technology that bathe them in radiation and slowly...
4,680 руб
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House Van Saar is the technological powerhouse of Necromunda, its artisans and armourers creating the finest weapons and wargear of all the clans. Their staggering power, however, is built around a dark secret – flaws in their understanding of technology that bathe them in radiation and slowly...
2,930 руб
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House Van Saar is the technological powerhouse of Necromunda, its artisans and armourers creating the finest weapons and wargear of all the clans. Their staggering power, however, is built around a dark secret – flaws in their understanding of technology that bathe them in radiation and slowly...
4,680 руб
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As one of the Darkside Cowboys’ most successful players, Roxanna makes such a show of spilling the blood of her foes that it is rare indeed when she does not end a match with her skin slick with the blood of fallen opponents. And the fans love it, especially the cruel-hearted Dark Elves and...
4,680 руб
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Assassin, general, avenger and soul-chilling terror, Jenetia Krole was a creature of dark legend long before she was committed as part of the honour guard tasked with the retrieval of the Primarch Magnus. Upon the battlefield of Tizca, Krole was personally responsible for the division of her...
10,920 руб
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