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As attendants and servants to the Haemonculi, each Wrack is an abhorrent example of his master's surgical craftsmanship, an individual cut apart and refashioned into a walking instrument of torture. Upon the field of battle they will defend their creator with their lives, utilizing all manner of...
6,140 руб
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7,800 руб
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Ork Meks are eccentric inventors that possess a natural ability for creating wotzits and fixin' gubbinz. From building deadly dakka from scrap to creating wobbling bubbles of force to protect da boyz from harm, Meks can do it all. This single frame plastic Mek is armed with a kustom mega...
3,900 руб
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Big Mek’s are obsessed with creating ever larger and more devastating war machines to unleash upon their foes. Their (often calamitous) endeavours have spawned some deadly dakka, one particularly volatile creation is the Shokk Attack Gun. By projecting a narrow force field tunnel through...
5,660 руб
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5,100 руб
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Таурокс это надежный штурмовой транспорт, оснащенный тяжелым вооружением для поддержки войск на поле боя. Вы можете оснастить транспорт спаренной боевой пушкой, спаренной пушкой Гатлинга или пусковой ракетной установкой. Борта Таурокс Прайма могут быть оснащены двумя автопушками или...
8,780 руб
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Each Helbrute holds a living creature within its plated metal chest - a Chaos Space Marine driven over the edge of madness. Interment in these twisted Dreadnought mockeries is no honour - it is a torturous living death - So it’s no surprise that most Helbrutes are completely psychotic. This...
9,750 руб
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Защитники Улья – тяжело-бронированные твари, вооружённые чрезвычайно мощными симбиотическими био-орудиями. Они созданы для охраны Кораблей-Ульев Тиранидов и капиллярных башен, появляющихся на захватываемых планетах-жертвах. С помощью своего вооружения, они способны справиться практически с любым...
12,190 руб
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A killer of astonishing skill, Shadowblade is an assassin of legendary stature. Able to hide within regiments on the battle field, and even move between them, no opponent can predict when or where he will strike. All they know for certain is that if they are unlucky enough to encounter him, his...
4,290 руб
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Whether you choose to assemble a Stalker or a Hunter, this kit will create an anti-aircraft tank to be feared and admired. The Space Marine Stalker can target multiple enemies, stitching the skies with a hail of armour piercing bullets. The Space Marine Hunter, meanwhile, scours the enemies from...
11,700 руб
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Skink Priests are wizards who can channel the forces of nature to aid Lizardmen armies in the thick of battle. This multi-part plastic kit contains 10 components with which to make a Lizardmen Skink Priest armed with staff and sacrificial blade.
3,600 руб
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Looming ghost warriors many times larger than even the mighty Wraithlords, the war machines known as Wraithknights are still dextrous enough to run through the ruin of a shattered city, leaping from pillar to spar as their arcane weapons bring oblivion to the enemies of the Eldar....
18,750 руб
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This box is the most cost effective way to buy three multi-part plastic Space Marine Scout Bikes. They can be assembled with either twin-linked boltguns or an Astartes grenade launcher. The box includes a host of additional parts that allow you to arm the Scout with a bolt pistol, a shotgun, or...
6,340 руб
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Master Gunship pilot Shas'la T'au Sha'ng, now better known as Longstrike, has quickly become the Fire caste's most heralded tank ace. Since his first training session, he exhibited an almost innate ability to handle a Hammerhead. Due to his unerring aim, Longstrike was chosen to trial the new...
2,830 руб
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A Commander, or in the language of the Tau, a 'shas'o', is the highest rank a Fire Warrior can obtain. It is a position of great honour. Tau Commanders prefer to lead from the front, pushing their XV8 Crisis Battlesuits to their fullest. The XV8 Battlesuit Commander is sculpted in an energetic,...
6,440 руб
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The Realm of Battle Gameboard is Citadel's high quality, plastic, modular gaming surface. Made from the same plastic as your Citadel miniatures, each of its six unique sections are finely-detailed, robust and can be painted in exactly the same way as the rest of your miniature collection. These...
50,700 руб
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Tzeentch created two daemons, P’tarix and Xirat’p, for the sole purpose of learning every spell in existence. The Blue Scribes, as they are known, ride their Disc of Tzeentch through the realms seeking every fragment of arcana. While P’tarix inscribes magical spells and stabs nearby enemies with...
7,800 руб
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Orks love fire and it was therefore inevitable that someday a Mek would think of attaching canisters of volatile promethium to the underside of an Ork Bommer - thus the Burna-Bommer was born. Armed with burna bombs and skorcha rokkits, the Burna-Bommer performs its attack runs at as low an...
9,750 руб
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Личный телохранитель и спутник немезора Зандрекха, настолько давно сражающийся с ним бок о бок, что выработал особые тактики и способности ,чтобы защитить своего повелителя. В отличие от Зандрекха, Обирон отлично осознает изменения, постигшие их расу, но уже оставил попытки привести своего...
3,320 руб
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Когда-то один из самых могучщественных повелителей Некронтир, поднявшийся с поста владки заштатоной планеты на окраине галактики до правителя дюжины звездных систем, Зандрекх, чья армия все еще является значительной силой, не вполне в своем уме. Поврежденный во время Великого Сна разум Зандрекха...
4,490 руб
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