Аксессуары GW

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540 руб
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540 руб
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540 руб
В наличии
540 руб
В наличии
540 руб
В наличии
540 руб
В наличии
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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ВНИМАНИЕ! К сожалению, из-за взрывоопасности данного товара, мы не можем отправлять баллоны под давлением сдэком, или же АВИА тарифом почты России (ВОЗМОЖНА - наземная перевозка ПОЧТОЙ РОССИИ!) Благодарим за понимание.
4,830 руб
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Citadel Bases provide a stable, steady platform for your models to stand on, and can be painted any way you please to add character and atmosphere to your armies. This pack contains one Citadel 100mm Round Base.
1,020 руб
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Made from the highest-quality sable hair, the Artificer range are the best layering brushes money can buy. Supplied with a plastic tube to guard it against the elements when not in use, the S Layer Artificer brush can really help you achieve results you didn’t think you were capable of....
4,040 руб
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