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The murderous Bloodgorgers hail from a kriel of black-hearted savages brought to violent frenzy by the taste and smell of blood. They are thrown away by their masters as fodder for the carnage of war. By feasting on the butchered, Bloodgorgers become nearly invincible as they move fiendishly...
12,780 руб
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Undeath has amplified Deneghra’s twisted manners of treachery and deceit, her cruelty, and her lust. She can only feel a tempestuous rage and act against those in her path, wantonly seeking victims to crush and kill at the behest of her master. However, it does nothing to ease her worries or...
2,560 руб
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A sanctified instrument of divine wrath, the Avatar of Menoth is a warjack guided by the Creator’s will alone. In its right hand the Avatar wields a Sulese blade named Burning Wrath that is wreathed with holy flames. In its left hand it bears the Divine Shield, consecrated to turn away blades,...
9,230 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
5,680 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
5,680 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
5,680 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
5,680 руб
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Obsessed with finding a way to bring her murdered mother back from the dead, Alexia Ciannor has turned to the life of a mercenary to increase her knowledge of death magic. By wielding the vile and legendary sword the Witchfire, she raises and controls the dead with startling ease, but the...
9,230 руб
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PIP 34131
Overseer Mobius became greater than the sum of its dead parts when it was clear to its Cryxian masters that this undead oddity could successfully lead bloat thralls against the enemy without prematurely detonating the thralls or accidentally destroying itself in the process. Engineered in...
3,550 руб
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Великий Инспектор Севериус (Grand Scrutator Severius - Protectorate Warcaster) уже давно расстался не только с пламенем юности – но и с силой зрелости. Глубокий старик, на закате своей жизни достигший высот в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth, Севериус не стремиться демонстрировать свою верность...
2,560 руб
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Not content to stand idly by as their myrmidons march to war, House Vyre has recently deployed its own seasoned electromancers. Arcanists trained for years under the tutelage of House Vyre’s most accomplished battle mages, electromancers have done much to further the house’s cause. The voltaic...
4,260 руб
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The Shrike soars against the weight of its great tempered-steel wings by virtue of the roaring fires of its necrotite engine and the dark spells woven into its frame. Following the predatory instincts instilled in its cortex, the Shrike surveys the field of battle from aloft before plunging into...
2,130 руб
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