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Where the Triumph of Saint Katherine marches, there shines the Emperor’s radiance. With every step, this funerary procession spreads the glory of the martyred Matriarch further across the galaxy, scattering before it the enemies of the faith and instilling in the Sisters of Battle the fiery...
13,950 руб
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Among the majority of the Orders Militant it takes long years to advance to the respected ranks of the Retributor Squads. The Sisters that comprise these warrior bands are amongst the most level-headed, imperturbable and bloodily determined of all their kind. They are also amongst each Order’s...
7,690 руб
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Dominions & Celestians The Battle Sisters make up the vast majority of each of the Orders Militant, gunning down heretic, xenos and traitor alike with their holy trinity of weaponry – bolter, melta and flamer. They are the foot soldiers of the Emperor, his sword of defiance and his shield...
7,690 руб
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Tzeentch is the god of magic – so it stands to reason that his endless spells would be among the Mortal Realms’ most deadly and unpredictable summoned sorceries! With this set, you'll be able to wield the might of Tzeentch’s most powerful magics for yourself. This set contains 3 Tzeentch endless...
8,000 руб
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Enter a battle of madness, aethermatics and magic in Aether War – a massive battlebox that pits the ingenious Kharadron Overlords against the insidious Disciples of Tzeentch in fierce airborne warfare! Discover the lands of the Spiral Crux, assemble your armies, and do battle in the skies above!...
21,750 руб
В наличии
A mad Iosan prophet, the Hermit of Henge Hold is beset by visions of possible futures, many of them laced with horror and imminent destruction. The truth he perceives is invaluable to every denizen of the Iron Kingdoms - included the invading infernals. Whom and why he serves are secrets only...
1,820 руб
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Once among Cygnar's most noble and competent military commanders, Alain Runewood has forsaken his nation and his soul to enter the service of the infernals. Runewood has a host of Insidious Plans that enable the model to wreak havoc on enemy models. He can remove their Pathfinder advantages,...
1,930 руб
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Saved from certain death for an uncertain future, Nemo's newfound purpose in life is to save humanity from the threat of the infernals. With his soul encapsulated in a machine designed by the Convergence, he is driven to escape with as many as he can, regardless of where they may find...
13,280 руб
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The Thamarite Advocates are peerless masters of the forbidden arts who have dedicated themselves to the destruction of the infernals and the protection of humanity. Once denizens of the shadows long-accustomed to serving their Dark Mistress in secret, the Advocates have put aside old differences...
1,930 руб
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The Resolutes are the heavy infantry of the Order of Illumination. Armed with holy blades and blessed Execrator Cannons, the Resolutes are trained to cleave through unholy spirits and the most malevolent denizens of the Outer Abyss. Their mechanika armor protects them from both mundane attacks...
6,030 руб
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The Legion of Lost Souls is an ancient company of Morrowan mercenaries who long ago stood against a terrible darkness that threatened the whole of Cygnar. Though the company was slain to a man, tales of their valor lived on, and it was prophesized that in a time of great need, Morrow would call...
9,650 руб
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Howlers are heavy and brutish creatures from the Outer Abyss, each having become corporeal in an extremely durable form, boasting thick hides that readily turn aside blades and bullets. These beings ooze shadow and warp reality around them as they charge with ruthless abandon into the fray,...
9,650 руб
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The Swashbuckler takes unique advantage of the adroitness of its underlying chassis, built expressly for the purpose of navigating a ship's deck even when tossed by winds at sea. Engines East employed a cortex custom-built to augment capability in melee as well as superlative situational...
2,900 руб
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4,260 руб
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The fast and heavily armed Sabre can be equipped with a range of weaponry, allowing it to take on any threat that presents itself. The standard weapon of the Sabre Strike Tank, the Snub Autocannon is a versatile weapon, able to take out both infantry and medium armour. This highly detailed...
3,800 руб
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The fast and heavily armed Sabre can be equipped with a range of weaponry, allowing it to take on any threat that presents itself. Turn your Sabre Strike Tank into a devastating anti-armour machine with a Neutron Blaster. This highly detailed resin kit makes one Neutron Blaster,...
3,800 руб
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The fast and heavily armed Sabre can be equipped with a range of weaponry, allowing it to take on any threat that presents itself. Turn your Sabre Strike Tank into a lethal anti-infantry machine with the Volkite Saker, a weapon that explosively turns organic matter into ash and flame....
3,800 руб
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Fast, rugged and heavily armed, the Sabre serves the Space Marines as a strike tank, attacking key enemy targets and destroying them long before they can pose a threat. The speed of these vehicles allows them to evade any counter-attack and reform to strike at the vulnerable flanks of the enemy...
14,630 руб
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If you are a painter or a collector, this limited edition display model is for you. Standing nearly 3” tall on the base, it will provide a wonderful canvas for you to showcase your skills. This kit includes a single Valkir Assault Trooper; a round 60mm base and two weapon choices. You can equip...
2,660 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета. Для окрашивания полупрозрачных частей мы рекомендуем использовать краски формата Ink от производителя Vallejo или же Scale75.
990 руб
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