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The Adepta Sororitas are the military wing of the Ecclesiarchy, charged with defending the Imperial Creed and purging the unfaithful. To that end, each Battle Sister is among the most highly trained and well-equipped warriors of the Imperium, yet their greatest strength is their unshakable faith...
4,260 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета.
990 руб
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Блистер содержит две неокрашенные миниатюры, на которые предварительно нанесен грунт белого цвета. Для окрашивания полупрозрачных частей мы рекомендуем использовать краски формата Ink от производителя Vallejo или же Scale75.
990 руб
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The Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts. It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps across the eight realms to force back the tide of death left in the Necroquake’s wake, and the forces of Order waste no time in laying claim to the...
23,250 руб
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The Adepta Sororitas are the military wing of the Ecclesiarchy, charged with defending the Imperial Creed and purging the unfaithful. To that end, each Battle Sister is among the most highly trained and well-equipped warriors of the Imperium, yet their greatest strength is their unshakable faith...
4,260 руб
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The jungles of the New World are riddled with the remains of ancient temples, built by the Lizardmen in service to their Slann masters. This double-sided Blood Bowl pitch features one such ruin, in two different states. On one side, the temple lies dormant, the flora and fauna of the rainforest...
7,220 руб
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Redesigned for the Second Season ruleset, this deck of 44 cards will help you keep track of stats and profiles for your team, positions, and Star Players – plus Special Play cards exclusively for use with Lizardmen teams. This set includes: – 4 Player Reference cards for Skink Runner Lineman,...
4,100 руб
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В наличии только без декалей, из-за расклеившейся катртонной обложки White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing content each month such as new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can look...
500 руб
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Led by the irrepressible Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt, the Tanith First and Only are a reconnaissance regiment without peer in the Astra Militarum. So named for being the only survivors of their ill-fated homeworld, the soldiers who became known as Gaunt's Ghosts are expert woodsmen marked by...
9,380 руб
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As experienced commanders and skilled combatants both, Palatines act as lieutenants to their respective Canoness, helping to direct the firepower of their Battle Sisters and leading them in the charge when duty calls for retribution to be delivered up close. Unshakeable of faith and filled with...
4,730 руб
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Мир будущего охвачен нескончаемой войной. Великое государство людей, Империум человечества, окружён ордами врагов: ксеносы, еретики, служители Хаоса – каждый стремится нанести удар по Империуму и пошатнуть его могущество ещё сильнее. Великий Разлом, разделивший владения людей, источает...
2,990 руб
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Over the Centuries, the Idoneth Deepkin of the Ionrach Enclave had visited Beastgrave many times, claiming countless souls from the Silent People with which they might ensure their own survival. The Celebrated Isharann Soulrender Elathain was tasked with leading the latest foray, and took with...
5,100 руб
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Unleash the wrath of the House of Faith with these 26 handy reference cards, representing the myriad tricks and schemes that can be used to gain an advantage in the underhive. As well as 18 gang-specific Tactics cards that perfectly encapsulate the way that House Cawdor fight, there are also 8...
2,250 руб
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The Redemptionist sect believes that Humanity has fallen from the path of righteousness decreed by the God-Emperor and that the sins of Mankind will drown the Imperium in filth and depravity. As long as Humanity is unable to control its sinful nature, it will not be able to unite and conquer the...
6,150 руб
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From the outside, other Necromundans see House Cawdor as bonepickers, scavengers and beggars, little better than hive rats. But House Cawdor has faith, a faith so strong that it has been saved from extinction where so many other Clan Houses have succumbed to the march of time or other disasters....
6,380 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy, perfect for when a game has you so engrossed you can't tear your eyes off the battlefield for a second. Gone are the days of rifling through your codex for a Stratagem you half-remember, now all of the Adepta Sororitas' tactical genius is...
3,300 руб
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The Sister Dogmata is a figure revered and feared in equal measure within her order, as only she has the authority to condemn a Battle Sister to the ranks of the Repentia with but a word. With shouted prayers and swings of her colossal mace, the Sister Dogmata drives the Adepta Sororitas to ever...
4,730 руб
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Celestian Sacresants are those elite members of the Adepta Sororitas who have departed the life of a bodyguard for their Canoness, instead questing across the Imperium on behalf of their order. Some root out heresy and sedition, while others hunt down lost relics and holy sites, but all return...
7,690 руб
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